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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cross Roads...


It's really hard to make decisions when life comes to a cross road...
Everything seems blur..
U have not a clue about your future..
Standing in this situation, I recalled a poem "The Road Not Taken".
This was a poem which my friends and I used to study when we were in high school..

I really Love and Like to be a ballet teacher FOR NOW!!!
But in the world nowadays, certs means everything...
Certs represents $$$.. and $$$ represents Bright future!!

Lagipun, I'm not really that devoted and that talented to be a ballet teacher because I can't meet the requirements..
Once u step into the dance world, it's NOT EASY to pull out..
Because u have already spent A LOT of time, money and effort in it..
To choose ballet means to give up on university, degree, master, and lots more!!

Do u think it's worth it???

But But But..........

Life is still a Long Way to go..
but I'm already having a big headache..

If I get metrics, I'll have to give up ballet like what my sis did after she went to Aus to pursue her studies..

If I get in Form6, I'll have to work twice as hard because many told me Form6 is TOUGH!!!

For now.. I just pray that my SPM results won't be disappointing...

What if it's really disappointing?? Then I won't even get to do Form6..

OMG... I should not have drank white coffee just now..
Now that I can't sleep..
I'm thinking TOO MUCH!!!!

Have mercy on me..
I Love you..


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